
Admin benefits

  • Easy to access and manage and assess the submitted logbooks.
  • Enhance ways of communication with the learners, mentors, and moderators anytime, hence easy communication and improved teamwork.
  • Can easily keep track of all submissions made by learners, approved by the mentors and moderators.
  • The Admin gets notifications once submissions have been submitted to them by the Moderator. Once the Mentor and Moderator approve the logbook, the logbook will be available for the Administrator to review/assess.

Mentor benefits

  • Consistence: the eLogbook will enable the mentors and moderators get a higher degree of coverage to communicate the message in a consistent way for their target audience. This ensures all learners receive the same type of training with this learning mode.
  • Can easily keep track of all submissions made by learners.
  • The Mentor gets a notification once submissions have been submitted to them by the learner.

Moderator benefits

  • Consistence: the eLogbook will enable the mentors and moderators get a higher degree of coverage to communicate the message in a consistent way for their target audience. This ensures all learners receive the same type of training with this learning mode.
  • Can easily keep track of all submissions made by learners, approved by the Mentors.
  • The Moderator gets a notification once submissions have been submitted to them by the Mentor.

Learner benefits

  • Saves time as learners do not need to travel to drop their portfolios.
  • Quick delivery of portfolios
  • Easy to access.
  • Effectiveness: enhances ability to learn and implement the new processes and knowledge at the workplace.
  • Easy communication (from the mentor, moderator) and improved teamwork
  • Makes learning stress-free: learners can be able to pause their program tasks at any time and resume later, from where they left off.
  • Learners can download, upload, and submit content to the Mentor.
  • The learner gets a notification once the submission has been returned, whether approved or rejected. If declined/rejected, they can resubmit again.

Learner/Intern description/ requirements

These are individuals undergoing training for a particular job or profession. The guidelines for the trainee/learner are as follows:
  • Involvement as a trainee in this program means that they accept responsibility for their own training. As much as their employer has undertaken to provide the training, they may have an obligation to ensure prescribed training is given.
  • A trainee/learner must register. They will receive the standard membership benefits.
  • It is vital that learners are aware of how logbook and Learnership system operates. Learners have to read through the “general comments” and Guidelines for the employer” carefully.
  • Formative evaluation will usually involve only persons from the employer organisation unless an outside independent evaluator is requested.
  • There will be final assessments, which will include the following:
    • Completion of the logbook requires a final assessment.
    • An assessor will be involved, who may also wish to confer with learner’s supervisor/mentor.
    • All this must be arranged well in advance.
    • A portfolio of evidence or work examples will be available, as the assessment will relate to that and in-depth questions.

Mentor description/requirements

A mentor is someone registered by the relevant Education and Training Quality Assurance (ETQA) body to measure competence against specified national Qualifications Framework (NQF) unit standards and qualifications. The assessor has an important role in the conduct of outcomes-based assessments. The assessor must be competent in terms of recognised national standards and have the appropriate expertise and recognitions in the area being assessed. The requirements of an assessor are:
  • Plan for assessment.
  • Prepare the candidate for the assessment.
  • Conduct the assessment according to established assessment principles and decide whether the candidate is competent or not yet competent.
  • Collect evidence of the candidate’s performance.
  • Evaluate and judge the evidence.
  • Record the assessment decision.
  • Provide feedback to the candidate.
  • Complete all documents and forward to the moderator.
  • Regularly review the assessment process and implement changes as and when required.
  • Comply with all moderation and EQTA requirements.

Moderator description/requirements

Moderators are individuals employed to umpire these assessments, and to ensure that the results are fair, valid, and reliable. The requirements for moderators are as follows:
  • They are responsible for ensuring that the principles of quality assurance are applied and maintained during the assessment and that the learning outcomes are achieved.
  • Review assignments that have been graded to ensure the marks have been awarded and totalled correctly.
  • Check that the assessor has provided feedback that is sufficient, constructive and consistent.
  • Recalculating marks to ensure that the learner/trainee have been awarded an accurate grade for each major section of the work.
  • Remedying all anomalies and amendments.
  • Advising assessors on common marking errors and techniques to avoid these.
  • Evaluating the trainee/learner’s responses to discern whether the assessor has suggested a fitting mark